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Individual courses

Made-to-measure lessons which meet your needs


Individuální lekce jsou skvělou šancí, jak využít svůj učební čas na maximum a s co největší efektivitou.



Individual lessons are a great chance to use your learning time in the most effective way.

From informal conversation to preparation for language exams

Do you want to learn the day-to-day Czech and to (finally!) understand it?

Do you want to get more confidence when speaking in Czech?

Are you preparing for permanent residence or citisenship exam?

It will be my pleasure to help you!

Lessons with practical goals, full of interactivity

My approach to teaching is logical and structured. I never use the argument “it is what it is because it is like that”. My lessons are lively and interactive. You'll practice the things you need to practice!

All the levels from complete beginners (A0) to language pros (C2)

Are you beginning to learn Czech?
Or are you trying hard to move forward and you were not happy about your previous teacher?
Have you spent ages looking for a language professional who'd be able to work on your already very good Czech level?
Is your Czech almost perfect and you'd like to work on your writing, stylistics and argumentation skills?

The lessons can take place at your office, at your appartment or in some other convenient place.

Czech is logical.

You don't need talent.

All you need is to think and to try hard!

Czech is logical.

You don't need talent.

All you need is to think and to try hard!

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